Fall Season Opening-Weekend Continues

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Keep up your art viewing stamina, because this year's fall kick-off weekend continues.

Open Source starts September off with James Leonard's "927 Days at Sea" featuring Leonards's “No Fishing” paintings, “Anchor and Chain” sculptures, and an “un-Suicide Note. These works contain serious concerns and cynicism regarding humanity, while being buoyed by a lively sense of humor.

Regina Rex opens with Gregory Green’s installation "Through the Night Softly" Green's recent work investigates the illustrative possibilities in scattered forms, taking aim at the mechanics of both political leadership and aesthetic

Be sure not to miss Ken Butler's exhibition, "Vibrating Body: New assemblage works" at Sideshow gallery, the reception is from 6-9pm tonight. Echoing his hybrid instruments and collages, these new works further abstract and transform the human-figure-instrument-body iconography Ken Butler is known for and pushes it further into the realm of mechanical bio-structure and cybernetics.

September 10

Park Slope/Gowanus
OPEN SOURCE , 7-10pm

Sunset Park

